May 30 – "From Heaven to Earth"

May 30, 2015, 7:30pm
All Angels’ Church, 251 West 80th Street (map)
This spectacular finale to our third season in-residence at All Angels’ Church is sure to be a night to remember! A program of gorgeous and thrilling instrumental and vocal works will explore traditions of the sacred and the secular with works by Handel, Vivaldi, and more. We hope to see you there!
$25 General, $20 Seniors (65+), $10 Students (with valid ID)
Program: “From Heaven to Earth”

Henry Purcell (?1659–1695)
Overture from Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626 (1689)
John Blow (1648/9–1708)
Chaconne in G major, for 2 violins, viola, and continuo
Dario Castello (fl. 1590–1630)
Sonata duodecima
from Sonate Concertate In stil Moderno Per Sonar nel Organo overo Clavicembalo con diversi Instrumento, book 2 (Venice, 1644)
Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741)
Nulla in mundo pax sincera, RV 630 (1735), for soprano, strings, and bc
George Frideric Handel (1685–1759)
Trio Sonata in G minor, op. 2, no. 6, HWV 391 for two violins and continuo
George Frideric Handel (1685–1759)
Gloria, HWV deest (1706? discovered 2001)
Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741)
Sonata “La Folia,” op. 1, no. 12, RV 63, from Suonate da camera a 3 (Venice, 1705)
The Sebastians
Awet Andemicael, soprano
Daniel S. Lee, Nicholas DiEugenio, violins
Jessica Troy, viola
Arnie Tanimoto, cello
Jeffrey Grossman, harpsichord & organ